Vercel, the company behind Next.js, offers easy, effortless, lightning-fast
global deploys and edge hosting for static web applications.
With Vercel, you can build fast and delightful sites without any fuss. It simplifies the process of deploying front-end web apps so that developers don't have to worry about technical details like performance or delivery timeframes. It just works.
Vercel enables teams to iterate quickly and develop, preview, and ship delightful user experiences with its zero-configuration environment.
With Vercel, you can push your code to GitHub and get a live site in minutes. The platform is backed by an intelligent CDN that helps static sites perform well and ensures continuous availability for all of its users' websites on the market today.
Why choose Vercel?
Integrations marketsplace: Vercel can connect third-party tools to your projects through the marketplace. These include things like Slack, Google Lighthouse, and more.
Automatic deployments: Building a site and deploying it for users is often long with other deployment tools, meaning that changes aren't instantaneous. Vercel makes it faster for developers to publish changes and deploy your website.
Infinitely scalable: Vercel's static and serverless infrastructure is designed to scale to infinity and back down to zero.
Optimized edge network: Vercel's edge Network can intelligently route traffic and run logic as close to your users as possible.
Security by default: In Vercel, all your requests are handled in isolation, and your content is replicated globally, ensuring stability regardless of where your visitors come from.
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