Website migration for the world’s most advanced cloud contact center

California-based UJET reached out to Ikius to migrate their old WordPress website to modern architecture, including Agility CMS, Next.js, and Vercel. A modern tech stack allows UJET's website for a remarkable front-end performance that is easy and organized to manage by anyone involved. We continue to be UJET's tech team partner even to this day.


  • Developed the website ujet.cx

  • Migrated all UJET's website content to a modern web architecture with Agility CMS, Next.js, and Vercel

  • We continue to work with UJET for ongoing website development and support

  • Rebuilt and optimized the front-end to reach 4x performance gains

About UJET

California-based UJET, Inc. is the world’s most advanced cloud contact center platform for smartphone-era CX. By modernizing digital and in-app experiences, UJET unifies the enterprise brand experience across sales, marketing, and support, eliminating the frustration of channel switching between voice, digital, and self-service for consumers.


Modern tech stack

The website was built on Next.js, Agility CMS, and Vercel; with these implementations, UJET gained an ultra-fast front-end performance while keeping content management operations organized and scalable.

Remarkably faster website

UJET gained 4x faster performance compared to their old WordPress website.

Headless CMS integration

We migrated their old WordPress website to Next.js and Agility CMS, allowing a flexible, scalable, and organized way of handling content throughout their website.


    UJET has been very satisfied with Ikius as our web development partner and their exceptional support with the Agility CMS platform. Working with their skilled team has been an absolute pleasure, and we appreciate their commitment and expertise.

    Holly Barker

    Vice President, Growth Marketing - UJET

    Our impact working with UJET

    4x increase in website performance

    Migrating from server hosted WordPress to Agility CMS, Next.js and Vercel resulted in a 4x performance increase in page loading speeds measured with Google Lighthouse. The site has been optimized for Google Core Web Vitals (including LCP, DIF, CLS).

    AA-level accessibility

    Based on the WCAG 2.1 standard, we implemented accessibility guidelines with full-screen reader and keyboard navigation support for UJET's Next.js website.

    Optimized for Google Page Experience and Core Web Vitals

    The site has been optimized for Google Core Web Vitals (LCP, DIF, CLS).

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