
Website modernization for a healthtech company that enables better metabolic health.

We collaborated with Veri to migrate their new company website to an all-new web architecture, enabling a user-centered website that is highly accessible and usable for anyone. We migrated Veri's website to an all-new tech stack, including Next.js, Prismic, and Vercel.


  • Developed the website of

  • Tech stack with Prismic, Next.js and Vercel

  • Prismic CMS for content modeling

  • Technical consulting

  • Device testing and quality assurance

  • Brand design implementation

About Veri

Helsinki-based Veri combines a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) with an easy-to-use app to help you find the right foods and habits for your body. Veri has raised over $10M in funding.


All new and modern tech stack

Worked on an excellent architecture for creating modular, highly customizable, and efficient page layouts based on the modeled content. Prismic headless CMS, Next.js and Vercel became the foundation of the architecture.

Content modeling and design

We modeled content in Prismic based on the provided designer layouts for the website’s structure while introducing improvements where necessary. We did this by going the design step by step to compose a logical content model for the page components and models. 

Device testing and quality assurance

After the front-end development phase our team began working on browser and device testing with Browserstack and other testing tools. In addition this included extensive quality assurance, ensuring all pages contained correct data from SEO tags to H tag ordering. Once the testing was complete, the site was published on Vercel.


    We worked with Ikius' development team for our Next.js website development. We had previously worked with freelancers for web development but chose to work with an agency such as Ikius to ensure code quality matches our expectations.

    Anttoni Aniebonam

    Co-Founder, CEO - Veri

    We created an all-new web architecture for Veri

    Next.js development

    Now that all data had been modeled and the CMS configured for development, we began working on the front-end software code with Next.js. Prismic CMS provides an excellent architecture for creating modular, highly customizable, and efficient page layouts based on the modeled content.

    Model content in Prismic CMS

    We modeled content in Prismic based on the provided designer layouts for the website’s structure while introducing improvements where necessary. We did this by going through the design step by step to compose a logical content model for the page components and models.

    Device testing and quality assurance

    After the front-end development phase, our team began working on browser and device testing with Browserstack and other testing tools. In addition, this included extensive quality assurance, ensuring all pages contained correct data from SEO tags to H tag ordering. Once the testing was complete, the site was published on Vercel.

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