Hotel Radio
Web app development for a music live streaming and event ticketing platform
We designed and developed a custom live-streaming and eCommerce web app for Hotel Radio, a London based live streaming and event ticketing platform.
About Hotel Radio
London-based Hotel Radio is the world's number one music live-streaming and event ticketing platform. Their focus lies primarily in the heavy metal sector, and countless live events and concerts by various artists can be accessed through their service, all through the web.
Boosting online ticket and merch sales
We created a custom web app that provides significant increases in sales for Hotel Radio
10,000 new users in 2022
Hotel Radio's platform enables Heavy Music Live Streaming to thousands of users worldwide. The platform makes it easy to watch and experience authentic Live Streams, no matter where you are.
96 % increased spending per customer
After the front-end development phase our team began working on browser and device testing with Browserstack and other testing tools. In addition, this included extensive quality assurance, ensuring all pages contained correct data from SEO tags to H tag ordering. Once the testing was complete, the site was published on Vercel.
We built a custom web app for live streaming and eCommerce.

Shopify and Stripe for eCommerce
We used Shopify and Stripe to enable seamless eCommerce experiences on Hotel Radio. This includes a custom Headless merch store and custom paywall logic with Stripe for managing pay per view stream access and in-stream donations.

Auth0 for access management
We used Auth0 for secure and easy access management as a service. This architecture for secure access management enabled us to roll-out user authentication and authorization quickly and efficiently.

Custom back-end with GraphQL
To orchestrate multiple technologies and services we built a custom back-end with Apollo GraphQL and PostgreSQL.
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