
Create, manage, and deliver content painlessly with Directus.
It's ideal for decoupled or headless architectures where content
needs to be delivered to multiple platforms such as websites,
mobile apps, IoT devices, and more.


  • User-friendly: It's easy and convenient to manage and edit content. Plus, you can customize the user interface to your own specific needs.

  • Build and preview with ease: Their page builder allows for totally customizable schemas, that are easy to preview before publishing

  • Highly extensive: With a highly modular design, everything is customizable. It's a benefit when you want to create a unique website that stands out.

Why choose Directus?

  • Custom database support: Directus supports a variety of SQL database backends, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Realt-time updates: Real-time updates for content changes through webhooks and websockets ensures that changes are immediately effective in your applications.

  • Customizable interface: The user interface can be tailored to fit your specific needs, making it easy for content editors to manage content effectively.

  • Role-Based Access Control: Directus provides a very sophisticated access control, allowing you to define roles and permissions for users accessing the CMS.

  • File management: Their robust and flexible file management system helps you organize and store media and content right.

  • Localization: Their multi-language content management, allows you to create and manage content in multiple languages.

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