What is a dev team? (And how to make the most of yours)

By Max Ikaheimo

October 5th, 2023

In an era where digital presence is synonymous with business vitality, the projected 22% growth in software developer employment from 2020 to 2030, per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, isn’t just a statistic; it's a call for businesses to prioritize digital expertise. 

The demand for skilled software development teams underscores a pivotal truth: an innovative and efficient dev team is no longer a mere asset but the backbone for businesses navigating the digital cosmos. For businesses, from startups to conglomerates, the digital tapestry woven by dev teams enhances operational efficacy and fortifies customer engagement, driving a symbiotic relationship between technological advancement and commercial success. 

Let’s delve deeper, exploring how hiring a dev team can sculpt the digital facades of businesses, propelling them toward a future where technology and commerce converge seamlessly.

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Core components of a dev team

A developer team is a vibrant mosaic of individuals. Developers come in all shapes and sizes, so just forget your idea of devs as pasty nerd guys. It comprises people with both business and technical expertise and usually encompasses the entire software development lifecycle.

  • Product owner: The product owner is responsible for defining and prioritizing the product's features and requirements. They work closely with the development team to ensure that the product meets the needs of the users and the business.

  • Scrum master: The Scrum Master is responsible for helping the team to follow the Scrum methodology. They facilitate Scrum ceremonies and help the team to identify and remove roadblocks.

  • Developers: Developers are responsible for writing the code that makes the product work. They work closely with the product owner and Scrum Master to understand the requirements and deliver the product on time and within budget.

  • Quality Assurance engineers (QAs): QAs are responsible for testing the product to ensure that it meets the requirements and is free of defects. They work closely with the developers to identify and fix any bugs.

Other roles:

  • Project manager: The project manager oversees the entire development process, from planning and execution to delivery. They work closely with the product owner, Scrum Master, and developers to ensure the project is on track and meets all its goals.

  • UX/UI Designer: The UX/UI designer is responsible for designing the user experience and interface of the product. They work closely with the product owner and developers to create a product that is both easy to use and visually appealing.

  • DevOps Engineer: The DevOps engineer automates the product's build, deployment, and testing. They work closely with the developers and QAs to ensure the product is released quickly and reliably.

In addition to these core roles, several other roles may be present in a development team, depending on the project's specific needs. For example, a team may have a dedicated business analyst, data scientist, or security engineer.

Keep in mind that the structure of a development team is flexible. It evolves with your project, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to hiring developers. The term "best team" means different for every company.

Tips for creating an effective development team structure

  • Define clear roles and responsibilities: Make sure everyone on the team knows their responsibilities. This will help to avoid confusion and duplication of effort.

  • Create cross-functional teams: Teams that are made up of people with different skills and backgrounds are better able to solve complex problems.

  • Foster effective communication: Communication is essential for any team but especially important for development teams. Make sure that team members communicate regularly and effectively with each other.

  • Provide clear goals and feedback: Team members need to know what they are working towards and how they perform. Provide them with clear goals and regular feedback so that they can stay on track and improve their performance.

  • Create a positive and supportive environment: Team members must feel comfortable and supported to do their best work. Create a positive and supportive work environment where team members feel valued and respected.

  • Create a culture of learning and collaboration: Encourage team members to learn from each other and to collaborate on projects.

Essential skills in a dev team

Skill is paramount in a dev team. From technical prowess in a programming language to communication skills, the talent within the team must be diverse. Engineers and developers must navigate technical issues, while managers and leaders must foster healthy communication and environments conducive to innovation.

Technical skills

Programming languagesCode in at least one programming language, such as Python, Java, or JavaScript, and read, write, and understand code fluently.
Software development methodologiesFamiliarity with software development methodologies, such as Agile or Waterfall, to understand the different stages of software development and work effectively in a team environment.
Version control systemsUse version control systems, such as Git, to track code changes and collaborate with other developers.
TestingTest code to ensure it meets the requirements and is free of defects, and write and execute unit and integration tests.
DebuggingIdentify and fix errors in code, and use debugging tools and techniques to step through code line by line and identify the source of the error.
CommunicationCommunicate effectively with other developers, product owners, designers, and stakeholders, clearly explain ideas and concepts, and listen to and understand feedback.
CollaborationCollaborate effectively with other developers to achieve common goals, work on projects, and share ideas and resources.
Problem-solvingIdentify and solve complex problems and think critically and creatively to develop solutions.
SkillProgramming languages
DescriptionCode in at least one programming language, such as Python, Java, or JavaScript, and read, write, and understand code fluently.
SkillSoftware development methodologies
DescriptionFamiliarity with software development methodologies, such as Agile or Waterfall, to understand the different stages of software development and work effectively in a team environment.
SkillVersion control systems
DescriptionUse version control systems, such as Git, to track code changes and collaborate with other developers.
DescriptionTest code to ensure it meets the requirements and is free of defects, and write and execute unit and integration tests.
DescriptionIdentify and fix errors in code, and use debugging tools and techniques to step through code line by line and identify the source of the error.
DescriptionCommunicate effectively with other developers, product owners, designers, and stakeholders, clearly explain ideas and concepts, and listen to and understand feedback.
DescriptionCollaborate effectively with other developers to achieve common goals, work on projects, and share ideas and resources.
DescriptionIdentify and solve complex problems and think critically and creatively to develop solutions.


Communicationconvey ideas and concepts clearly and concisely to others, both verbally and in writing.
CollaborationWork effectively with others to achieve common goals.
Problem-solvingIdentify and solve complex problems.
Critical thinkingThink critically and evaluate different solutions to problems.
AdaptabilityAdapt to change and learn new things quickly.
Descriptionconvey ideas and concepts clearly and concisely to others, both verbally and in writing.
DescriptionWork effectively with others to achieve common goals.
DescriptionIdentify and solve complex problems.
SkillCritical thinking
DescriptionThink critically and evaluate different solutions to problems.
DescriptionAdapt to change and learn new things quickly.

The developer’s toolset

Development tools are crucial in aiding dev teams to build and optimize their software projects. The tool your devs use can significantly impact the product development journey.

1. Front-end development

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Frameworks/libraries: React, Next.js, Vue.js

  • Design: Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD

  • Version control: Git, GitHub

2. Back-end development

  • Languages: Python, Node.js, Java, C#

  • Frameworks: Django, Flask, Express.js, Spring Boot

  • Server: Apache, Nginx

3. Database management

  • Database systems: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

  • ORM tools: Sequelize, Mongoose, Hibernate

4. Content Management System (CMS)

5. Cloud services

6. Testing

  • Automated testing: Selenium, JUnit, Jest

  • Manual testing: BrowserStack, Sauce Labs

7. Design and UI/UX

  • Design tools: Adobe XD, Sketch, or Figma

  • Prototyping tools: InVision, Marvel

How to hire a dev team

  1. Define your requirements: What kind of software do you need developed? What are the features and functionality? What is your budget and timeline? Once you understand your needs, you can look for teams matching your requirements.

  2. Find potential agencies: There are several ways to find potential dev teams, including online job boards, freelance marketplaces, and referrals from your network. When researching teams, look at their portfolio, experience, and reviews from past clients.

  3. Interview potential teams: Once you have a shortlist of potential teams, schedule interviews to learn more about their approach to software development, their team culture, and their availability. Be sure to ask specific questions about their experience with the type of software you need developed and their process for managing projects.

  4. Select a team: Once you have interviewed all the potential teams, select the one you believe best fits your project. Be sure to consider their experience, team culture, and pricing factors.

  5. Sign a contract: Once you have selected a team, be sure to sign a contract that outlines the scope of work, the timeline, and the budget for the project. This will help protect you and the team in case of any disputes.

  6. Start the development process: Once the contract is in place, you can start the development process with the team. Communicate regularly with the team to provide feedback and ensure the project is on track.

📝 Read more: Hire React developers

Team extension: The best way to hire a pro dev team

Dipping into the world of team extension is like unlocking a treasure chest of top-notch developers from all corners of the globe. It’s all about getting the right people with the right skills without stretching your budget.

Imagine having a flexible team where you can bring in experts when needed, keeping things efficient and your projects on the fast track. It’s like having your cake and eating it, too - accessing world-class talent without hiring and onboarding an entire team.

But it’s not just about filling seats! It’s about enriching your in-house team with fresh ideas, new skills, and innovative solutions that only a diverse team can bring. Your extended team brings their expertise to the table and introduces your crew to new perspectives and the latest tech, ensuring your projects are completed and shine brightly in the digital universe.

Read more: Team extension services by Ikius

Case studies


We teamed up with Reaktor to help their revised brand identity come to life via their renewed website. We have been closely supporting Reaktor's marketing team to achieve their vision of how the new website should look and feel. Extensive cooperation has been the key to the success of our ongoing partnership.

Read more: Team extension for a global technology consulting firm


Our dedicated development team worked with Teleport's marketing team to develop their enterprise website with Next.js. Our consultants integrated seamlessly with Teleport's team, enabling efficient collaboration between Ikius and Teleport.

Read more: Web development and team extension for an IT infrastructure platform

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